$302 – $2,683
- Description
- Open
- Standard Enclosed
- Seam Welded Enclosed
- Video
Catwalks are designed to allow the fisherman or hunter to travel from the length of the hull, from bow to stern, without stepping down onto the floor. Catwalks come in handy when fighting that big bull red too when it’s doing laps around your boat! Additionally, they make excellent passenger seating anywhere along the sidewall and perfect rod storage. Add expanded metal shelves under the open catwalks to increase open storage capacity.
Open catwalks are open underneath, or not closed in. They provide a place to sit, walk, or store items underneath. A lot of customers choose to add our expanded metal tray for shelves or our pole clamps for push pole and fishing rod storage.
Our standard enclosed catwalks are closed off for storage, but not completely dry. This is perfect for rods, guns in waterproof cases, or other gear stored in waterproof cases within the catwalk.
Our seam welded enclosed catwalks are completely seam welded and sealed off to keep out water.